4 Secrets to Dressing Down with Style

Today so many organizations have a dress code of business casual. People are confused about what it means in reality. I delivered a workshop recently where one of the participants said she still felt she was over dressed for business casual. She wanted to still look professional without taking it down and looking too casual. I have 4 secrets to dress down with style. 

Colour. Adding colour is one of the easiest ways to make an outfit more casual. Combine neutral colours such as navy, gray, brown and black with non-traditional colors such as blue, red, yellow, burgundy, orange, pink and turquoise. If you normally wear a dark suit with a white or pale blue shirt, try a deeper-coloured shirt that complements your colouring. For women, pants with a matched or unmatched jacket, and a bright coloured sweater or top, create a casual, professional look.

Pattern. Adding pattern can be scary but it is also very easy. Adding just one pattern can make something more casual. Simply wearing a striped shirt or a checked jacket adds pattern. Other patterns could be flowers, herringbone, paisley, abstract prints, polka dots. 

Texture. How a fabric looks and feels. Typically, a smooth, stiff fabric such as wool is considered formal when used in suits. Fabrics such as tweeds, knits, corduroy, and sweaters are often soft to the touch and can instantly make any outfit more casual. Try a tweed jacket with a pair of wool gabardine pants. Or instead of a shirt under a suit, women can wear a sweater or knit top.

Accessories. Shoes, jewellery, bags, belts and scarves are a quick and easy way to make an outfit more casual. Metals, gemstones, gold and pearls are formal. Jewellery made from items such as wood, plastic, silver and ethnic motifs are more casual. For women, an ethnic style necklace or belt worn with a formal suit instantly adds a less formal tone. Similarly, a patterned scarf also adds instant informality. Shoes, too, can add informality. As a guideline, thin-soled shoes are considered dressy, while thicker soles are more casual. For women, a lower-heeled shoe or boot automatically makes your look more casual.

Adding colour, pattern, texture and accessories are a few ideas to add a more casual look to your business outfit. What will you be adding to your business casual look? 

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